Train Service Disruption in France During Olympics, Search for Attacker Continues

Published 2024 Jul 28 Sunday

Kathmandu: Train services in France were significantly disrupted following attacks on the French rail network on Friday, affecting three out of ten high-speed trains on Saturday.

French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal reacted to the incident, stating that security forces are actively searching for those responsible for the attacks and acts of vandalism. The national rail company SNCF announced that Saturday services would be delayed by up to two hours, and a quarter of Eurostar services would be cancelled.

Transport Minister Clément Beaune assured that services are expected to return to normal by Monday morning. Government officials reported that miscreants cut and set fire to optic fiber cables essential for the safe operation of train services.

The incident affected approximately 250,000 passengers on Friday, with Junior Transport Minister Patrice Vergriete estimating that around 800,000 passengers could be affected over three days. Eurostar, which operates international services from London to Paris and runs high-speed lines in France, stated that one in four of its trains would not operate over the weekend.

The train service disruption comes at a critical time, coinciding with the Olympic Games in Paris, adding to the challenges faced by organizers and travelers alike.
